Admission Policy

Truthfulness of Information
All information presented during the admission process must be accurate, authentic, complete, and submitted honestly. Providing incorrect, misleading, or incomplete information in the admission application form or any other official document will result in the denial of an application or the revocation of a granted degree if discovered later.

Important: SETAI reserves the right to deny admission to applicants who fail to submit the required documentation within 60 days of notification by the Admission Office. Exceptional cases (upon written request from the applicant) will be evaluated by the Academic Committee, which may grant an additional period of time and notify the applicant in writing.

Denial of Admission
An applicant may be denied admission when the evidence provided shows that the individual:

  1. Does not meet the admission requirements or is below the level of preparation needed to pursue a university degree.
  2. Has submitted fraudulent, incomplete, or inaccurate information/documentation.
  3. Has engaged in behaviors or exhibited characteristics contrary to established norms.

Admission Fee
As the programs are funded by the DIA, sponsored students are not required to pay the admission fee. Non-sponsored students must pay a non-refundable fee of $50.00 USD. This fee can be submitted through the payment methods specified in the Finance section of this Catalog.

Student Status

  1. Regular: Students who meet all admission requirements for SETAI graduate programs and all specific requirements of the affiliated institutions they intend to study at. The local Coordinator indicates compliance with these requirements in an appropriate form accompanying the academic application documents sent to the Central Admission Commission, which are then forwarded to the Admission Office for further processing and consideration. Any exceptions to these minimum requirements for Regular admission must be recommended and justified in writing by the local Coordinator and submitted to the SETAI Admission and Records Office.
  2. Provisional: Students who do not meet one or more requirements for Regular admission but are deemed by the local Coordinator, after consultation with Seminary officials, to be capable of fulfilling the missing requirements within a reasonable timeframe.
  3. Permission to Take Classes (PTC): Any student wishing to pursue advanced studies without intending to earn a degree at SETAI; and auditors meeting the admission requirements also fall under this category.
  4. Academic Probation: Students must maintain a GPA of at least 2.67 for the master’s level and 3.00 for the doctoral level during the first two semesters. Failure to achieve the minimum GPA results in conditional or probationary status. They will be required to reduce their academic load to no more than 75% of the normal credit load per semester or summer intensive course. If the cumulative GPA of a conditional or probationary student remains below the minimum in a third consecutive semester, they will be asked to leave the program.