
To provide the best theological education, the Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary considers that maintaining contact with its alumni is of great value since it allows for a constant evaluation of the institutional formation process. This knowledge will improve and update our study plans, degree programs, and institutional development policies. The Office of Assessment, Institutional Effectiveness, and Distance Education will manage and maintain the information gathered related to alumni monitoring. For this purpose, the graduates of our institution are encouraged to complete the online form provided. In this form, we request detailed and sensitive information that will be treated confidentially, used only for academic, statistical, and promotional purposes, in compliance with the FERPA law’s provisions.

  1. Organize an operational, institutional system to update the information to strengthen the institutional studies for graduates’ follow-up.

  2. Maintain a permanent relationship with graduates to know the degree of satisfaction concerning the quality of the training received.

  3. Promote the collaboration of graduates and sponsors in educational activities, projects, and programs of mutual benefit, allowing the integration of our entire university community around the world.