All facility personnel will be trained to effectively handle the situation that arises, including maintaining calm and assisting visitors if necessary. If instructed to evacuate the building, they should do so immediately in a calm, orderly manner, in line and using the emergency stairs.
Use the part indicated by the evacuation maps located throughout the building. When descending the emergency stairs, leave the left side free in case rescue personnel can access the interior of the building if necessary. Never use the elevator as an evacuation route. The order to vacate the offices of the building will be issued by the President of the Institution and/or one of the Vice Presidents. If none of the above is present, the decision must be made by the accountant.
The meeting point will be the entrance area between the UAA Church and the IATS building. The bookkeeper is the person in charge of roll call to verify that all staff, as well as visitors, if any, have vacated the building. Returning to the building for personal items will not be allowed until the emergency has passed.
Fire Action Plan:
The moment a person detects a fire or the fire alarm sounds, employees and visitors must vacate the building while maintaining calm, order and control by following the instructions in the general procedure in the event of an eviction. Before opening any door you must first remember to touch the door before opening it with the back of your hand. If it is hot you should NOT open the door.
If you are trapped in your area close the doors and windows by placing a piece of cloth such as a curtain or shirt over the window to alert the authorities that you are trapped and block the door openings with a damp piece of cloth. The accountant will be in charge of contacting the fire department to report the fire.
If you were able to get out of your area, you should not return to look for any belongings. If there is a large amount of smoke, you should squat and crawl low to the floor to avoid inhaling large amounts of smoke. In addition, you should cover your mouth and nose with a damp piece of cloth to avoid inhaling toxic fumes while following the evacuation route outlined on the evacuation maps.
Once at the designated area (parking lot between the UAA church and IATS) the accountant should take roll call and report to the authorities the number of people who were unable to evacuate.
Earthquake Action Plan:
Before a seismic event:
Prior to a seismic event, the emergency committee will assess any structural hazards and report them to minimize any hazards during an event. The emergency management plan in the event of an earthquake will also be prepared and informed to employees. Days in the institutional calendar with drills to evacuate the building will be implemented every year. In addition, emotional risks (person who cannot handle the situation in case of emergency) will be identified.
Each office should have an emergency kit containing at least a bottle of water, first aid kit, flashlight, garbage bags and a whistle.
During a seismic event:
During a seismic movement you should remain calm and if possible stay where you are. Do not run away. Duck and cover under a table or desk that offers protection and hold on to it so that you will not be uncovered during the movement. If you do not have a place to take shelter, position yourself against a wall or strong structure in what is known as a triangle of life (see triangle of life image). Stay calm and wait for the movement to pass.
After a seismic event:
After the earthquake has passed you should vacate the building as soon as possible, but without running. Once everyone is at the meeting point (parking lot between the UAA church and the IATS), the accountant will take a roll call of employees and visitors to inform the administrator in charge and the relevant authorities, while the emergency committee is in charge of providing first aid to those who need it. After an inspection of the building for possible structural damage by the appropriate authorities, the building may be returned if it is determined that there is no risk. The building is not in a designated tsunami hazard area, but employees and visitors will be informed to help them remain calm. Remember, do not use telephones unless strictly necessary.
Bomb/explosive device threat action plan:
Any call received with a bomb threat will be considered real. You should write down all the details of the call, such as the time and phone number of the caller. When speaking with the caller, remain calm and try to obtain information about the time and location of the explosion. Try to identify background noises, as well as as many traits of the caller as possible such as: gender, age, ethnicity. The President shall be notified immediately.
The Seminary President or his delegate will give the eviction order, while the Accountant contacts the Puerto Rico Police to perform a visual inspection to try to find at a glance any object that may seem strange and that has no apparent owner. Do not, under any circumstances, touch suspicious packages or bundles. The Puerto Rico Police will be called immediately at 911 and will immediately call the police.
Action plan in case of an explosion
In the event of an explosion, all administrative personnel and visitors should drop to the floor in the opposite direction of the blast wave. After the explosion, the appropriate authorities will be notified of the location of the explosion, number of injuries and/or casualties, and the amount of damage. If the building needs to be evacuated, the same evacuation process used in the event of a fire will be followed.
Active Shooter Action Plan
The employee who first hears the detonations will alert the rest of the staff by shouting loudly: Shooter, everyone on the floor! If someone is identified with weapons, then they should yell: Someone with a gun! Someone with a gun!
Everyone will proceed to get down on the floor to protect themselves. If you have time, each employee should lock themselves in their offices and place some furniture to block the entrance to the office. If possible, try to block the visibility of the glass door with paper.
After the detonations cease (or the potential aggressor disappears from sight) wait for a prudent period of time. If the event is over, a telephone announcement will be made indicating that the active shooter warning has ceased. Social media should not be used to cause panic.
The president or a surviving administrator will conduct an inspection, determine if there were any casualties. If there are casualties, the accountant will contact the appropriate medical services.
Storm or Hurricane Action Plan
When a storm or hurricane watch is issued for Puerto Rico, personnel must be alert to the National Weather Center’s communications. Before anything else, remain calm. If the passage of the storm or hurricane is imminent (a hurricane watch is issued), the president will authorize to begin preparations to protect lives and property by following the procedures below.
Prior to the hurricane:
- The president will make a communication to be distributed to students, coordinators, and administrators informing them that the emergency plan is activated due to an atmospheric event and that there will be a temporary closure of work.
- Personnel identified by the president will verify that there is no debris nearby to avoid broken windows due to debris.
- Each person will be responsible for securing all equipment in their respective office. They should cover books with plastic to prevent them from getting wet and remove anything that could be damaged from the floor. They can then assist colleagues who need help in their respective areas.
- Disconnect all electrical equipment and move them away from windows (turn off all switches if possible).
- Anything that can be damaged in refrigerators should be discarded.
- If it is a weekend, the administrator who lives closest can call key people for different office tasks (preferably those who live closest).
- Each employee should take pictures of everything in their work area.
- The VP Finance or his delegate should ensure that the plant has a full tank of diesel fuel and that it is in good condition (check the filter and oil).
- The VP Finance or his delegate shall advance the payroll (if a major weather event is imminent) two days prior to the passage of the weather event.
- Three days prior to the passage of the weather event, the VP of Finance should withdraw cash from two payrolls to pay staff in case the banking system collapses.
- The academic Administrative Assistant shall update the phone and address list for each employee.
- The President shall authorize employees enough time to get home safely.
- Distribute communication radios to all employees in case of loss of communication.
- It is expected that most documents will be in the cloud. However, it should be backed up in the cloud again or on hard drives for business continuity. In addition, each person must secure physical documents.
After the hurricane:
- Check the well-being of employees at home and ensure that their needs are met.
- Verify the condition of the building and the services available (electricity, internet, water, etc.). The president of the Seminary will inform through the communication radios the date of the resumption of work in the building.