Financial services
Greetings from Dr. Nolwin Guilarte, Vice President of Finance of the Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary (IATS). This office is at your service for any questions related to the financial services offered by the IATS.
The (IATS) has been established as a non-profit organization, with the intention of presenting an academic offer to mainly help pastors, chaplains, teachers and professors to obtain postgraduate theological studies in the tradition of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, there is no discrimination based on religious persuasion, race, gender, or physical or mental condition. However, since the Seminary is a denominationally sustained institution, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America expects graduates with high biblical, ethical, and moral standards.
The Seventh-day Adventist Church is responsible for financing the operation of IATS and provides scholarships to individuals who have been identified as capable of better serving their communities and the church. That requires them to follow their curriculum while continuing to meet the expectations of the employing organizations that assist them financially.
Given the fact that the program is funded by the Inter-American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, sponsored students do not have to pay for tuition once they are officially accepted into the program. Non-sponsored students will have to pay $ 175.00 USD for credit and $ 50.00 USD per year as an admission fee for master’s programs. In the DMin program they will have to pay $ 350.00 per credit and $ 50.00 USD per year as an admission fee. In the PhD program they will have to pay $ 660.00 per credit and $ 50.00 USD per year as an admission fee. In addition, the affiliated institutions charge a tuition fee that ranges between $ 350.00 USD and $ 500.00 USD to both sponsored and non-sponsored students to cover indirect expenses of the institution. For any doubt, question or request for information you can contact me at [email protected]
Finally, those students who will have to stay and the usual meals will run through the arrangements that can be made between the organizations concerned, Union, Field and student.
If for any reason you need to make a payment, such as independent or contract class, graduation fee payment or other, you can do it using any of the following payment methods:

Payment Methods
Wire Transfer (Additional charge per transaction of $15 USD)
Name of Bank: Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
Bank Address:
PO BOX 362708
San Juan PR 00936-2708
Account Number: 206252909
ABA: 021502011
Beneficiaries: Seminario Teológico Adventista
Beneficiaries Address:
PO BOX 118
Check or Money Order
(just from USA or its territories)
In name of: Seminario Teológico Adventista
VP of Finance
PO BOX 118

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