Students without a degree

IATS receives students seeking to take courses without any interest in obtaining a degree. The institution’s student information system classifies these students as Permission to Take Classes (PTC). Non-degree students will be those students who are not interested in obtaining an academic degree but are interested in taking courses for their own professional or personal development. In addition, non-degree students shall be those students enrolled at other university-level institutions who have been authorized to take courses at IATS.

Non-degree students:

These students may apply for any course that is part of the academic offerings of IATS, subject to academic evaluation (if applicable), availability, limitation of places, and according to the regulations and/or accreditation standards of the academic programs, if any.

Students who already have a master’s degree or doctorate and are interested in pursuing another concentration under the same program may take these additional courses. However, since these courses by themselves are not considered an eligible program, students will be classified under the “non-degree student” category. This means that they will be enrolled on a course-by-course basis and will not be classified as regular degree-seeking students. For this reason, they will not be awarded another degree. If the student later decides to apply for admission to a program leading to a graduate degree, a maximum of 12 semester credits taken under the PTC may be accepted. Students under this category must meet the following requirements:

  • Complete and submit the application for admission under the term PTC.
  • Admission fee of US 50.00 (non-refundable).
  • If the student is enrolled in another collegiate institution, he/she must present evidence of authorization from his/her institution to take courses at IATS.
  • The student must follow the rules and procedures established by the institution.
  • The costs for credit and fees will be the same as those charged to regular students.

All of the students described above, except for hearing students, will receive credit and a final grade. This means that they will have to complete all required assignments and exams to pass the courses. If a student does not have a conferred degree and wishes to continue his or her studies to obtain a university degree, he or she must complete all requirements to be admitted as a regular student.

Listening Students:

Refers to any interested party who attends a class without being enrolled as a student. This person obtains from the Coordinator of the affiliated institution he/she attends the authorization to attend classes simply to learn. Under this category he/she will not earn credit or grades. Such persons should make sure that they fully understand all the conditions and consequences of this privilege:

  • They must make specific arrangements with the affiliated institution’s treasury for room and board expenses, in addition to the academic charges of USD 200.00 for the class plus the admission fee of USD 50.00 (non-refundable).
  • The student as a listener should not interfere or interrupt the class or call the attention of the professor with questions or comments. Only students seeking academic credit have this right.
  • The maximum number of students as listeners that can be allowed in each class is studied according to the size of the classroom and equipment available for the comfort of the class.
  • The professor should be consulted regarding the admission and number of students as listeners. There are classes that by their nature preclude the acceptance of students as listeners.
  • The needs of regular students shall always have priority over students in a hearing capacity. In no case may the requests of hearing students be met at the expense of those of a regular student.
  • Students as listeners are not responsible for completing assignments, monographs, research or any other course requirements. They do not take exams or receive grades.
  • Courses taken as auditors do not count as academic credit equivalents, since the course requirements have not been fulfilled.
  • The student as a listener may receive copies of the printed materials distributed in class, as long as he/she covers the cost of these.
  • Students, whether in regular or listening mode, are not permitted to record or film the class without the written consent of the teacher.
  • Pastors or their wives may make arrangements with their Ministerial Association to receive a Certificate of Continuing Education. The 45 clock hours of a three-credit course correspond to 4.5 continuing education units (CEU).

This policy shall apply to face-to-face, online, and foreign students. For this policy, students must comply with all requirements of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the United States, and their place of origin.