Frequently Asked Questions
Where is Inter-American Theological Seminary (IATS) located?
The Seminary is present in ten countries through its affiliated institutions in:
- Colombia: Corporación Universitaria Adventista (UNAC)
- Costa Rica: Universidad Adventista de Centro América (UNADECA)
- Cuba: Seminario Teológico Adventista de Cuba (SETAC)
- Haití: Université Adventiste d’Haïti (UNAH)
- Jamaica: Northern Caribbean University (NCU)
- México: Universidad de Montemorelos (UM)
- Puerto Rico: Universidad Adventista de las Antillas (UAA)
- República Dominicana: Universidad Adventista Dominicana (UNAD)
- Trinidad & Tobago: University of the Southern Caribbean (USC)
- Venezuela: Seminario Teológico Adventista de Venezuela (SETAVEN)
The Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary offices are located on the premises of the Antillean University, Road 106 km 2.2 interior in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico.
Is IATS accredited by any institution?
The Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary (IATS), whose offices are located in Mayagüez, Puerto Rico, is authorized by the Council of Education of Puerto Rico to continue operating as a higher education institution under the renewed license (certification number 2018-146) for five years. The IATS is also pleased to inform that as of January 31, 2020, the Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada’s Board of Commissioners approved the renewal of the IATS accreditation for ten years, with the next comprehensive evaluation visit in the fall of 2029. The IATS is also accredited by the Adventist Accrediting Association (AAA) and, in 2019, renewed its accreditation status. The AAA granted an accreditation period of five years, with the next comprehensive evaluation visit in 2024.
Where can I find the course description?
The course description is available in the Catalog.
Does the IATS offer completely online programs?
IATS is not authorized to offer complete programs online. Courses are temporarily being offered in emergency remote mode due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In regular non-pandemic times the seminar could offer some courses in online mode but not full programs.
How much does each program cost?
For detailed information, see the Finance section.
What are the available methods to make payments?
- Wire Transfer (Additional charge per transaction of $15 USD)
Name of Bank: Banco Popular de Puerto Rico
Bank Address:
PO BOX 362708
San Juan PR 00936-2708
Account Number: 206252909
ABA : 021502011
Beneficiaries: Seminario Teológico Adventista
Beneficiaries Address:
PO BOX 118
- Check or Money Order (just from USA or its territories) in name of:
Seminario Teológico Adventista
c/o VP of Finance
PO BOX 118
- PayPal
To be admitted to one of the programs offered by IATS, is it a requirement to be a pastor?
Each program has its own prerequisites. However, there is room for non-ministers if they meet the requirements to enter the program.
Who should I send my documents to after I have completed them?
Once you have completed all the required documents, you must deliver them to the local Coordinator of your campus.
What can I expect from the IATS study environment?
The study environment of the Seminary promotes service, spirituality, excellence, stewardship, integrity and Christian ethics, motivated by service to God and humanity.
The website/learning platform appears in another language that I do not understand. How can I change it to my language?
The website and learning platform can be switched to the three main languages that the Inter-American Division serves (English, French and Spanish). To change it use the language selector located at the top right of the screen.
What should I do if the learning platform tells me "Invalid access. Please try again"?
This means that you have entered your username or password incorrectly. First, verify that you have entered the data correctly. If they are correct and you continue to receive the same message, you should click on the link that indicates “Forgot your username or password?” on the platform’s login screen. Follow the instructions to have the correct details sent to your institutional email. If you continue to receive the same message, you should contact [email protected].
Is the digital portfolio mandatory to have it?
Yes, all students must complete their digital portfolio. If you have any doubts or questions, you can contact the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, Strategic Planning and Distance Education for more information.
How should I contact the IATS offices?
You can contact us by completing the form that appears in the footer of this page. We will reply as soon as possible. If you are an IATS student you must identify yourself with your full name, student number and campus.