Greetings from the Vice President of Finance

Greetings from Dr. Nolwin Jail Guilarte Terán, Vice President of Finance at the Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary (SETAI). This office is at your service for any inquiries related to the financial services offered by SETAI.

SETAI has been established as a non-profit organization with the intention of providing an academic offering primarily to assist pastors, chaplains, teachers, and professors in obtaining graduate theological studies within the tradition of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. However, no discrimination is made based on religious persuasion, race, gender, or physical or mental condition. Nevertheless, since the Seminary is a denominationally supported institution, the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Inter-America expects graduates to uphold high biblical, ethical, and moral standards.

The Seventh-day Adventist Church funds the operation of SETAI and provides scholarships to individuals identified as capable of rendering better service to their communities and the church. This requires them to follow their academic curriculum while continuing to meet the expectations of the employing organizations that provide them with financial assistance.

Given that the program is funded by the Inter-American Division of the Seventh-day Adventists, sponsored students do not have to pay tuition once they are officially accepted into the program. Non-sponsored students will have to pay $175.00 USD per credit and an annual admission fee of $50.00 USD for master’s programs. In the DMin program, they will have to pay $350.00 per credit and an annual admission fee of $50.00 USD. In the PhD program, they will have to pay $660.00 per credit and an annual admission fee of $50.00 USD.

Additionally, affiliated institutions charge a tuition fee ranging from $350.00 USD to $500.00 USD for both sponsored and non-sponsored students to cover indirect institutional costs. SETAI reserves the right to increase costs whenever the Financial Commission deems it necessary. If you have any doubts, questions, or need additional information, feel free to contact me at [email protected], and I will gladly assist you.

Finally, those students who need lodging and meals will need to make arrangements among the concerned organizations, including the Union, Field, and the student.

SETAI reserves the right to review fees and charges whenever:

  1. There is an increase in Educational and General Expenses and/or Mandatory Transfers.
  2. Budget projections indicate a possible increase in these expenses.
  3. After a careful analysis of any special situation, the SETAI administration determines that changes in fees and charges are reasonable and justified.

NOTE: The changes also apply to the fees charged by affiliated institutions. SETAI does not have jurisdiction over this matter.


The Inter-American Adventist Theological Seminary (SETAI) will award the “Febe Initiative” Scholarship to support a female student in her academic program. This scholarship emulates the characteristics that distinguished Phoebe to help her complete her university studies. This scholarship provides up to a maximum of $8,000 (depending on the academic program applied for) for tuition and other expenses for up to 4 years. This scholarship aims to support women in achieving professional and personal success.

If for any reason you need to make a payment, such as an independent class or contract-based course, graduation fee, or any other charge, please visit the Payment Methods section.